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FAIN Cloud získal certifikáciu SAP Business AI!

We are happy to report that we have reached a significant milestone on our journey to innovation. FAIN Cloud has been officially certified for SAP Business AI – and is one of the first solutions in the world to achieve this certification! This certification is proof that we want to bring customers innovative, intelligent and…

Merry Christmas from ORIWIN!

Merry Christmas from ORIWIN!

🎄 Thank you for the journey together! We thank you – our partners, customers, and colleagues – for joining us in another year filled with innovation, growth, and new opportunities. Your support and collaboration are the foundation of everything we achieve. 2024 was a year full of challenges, but also incredible successes. We wouldn’t have… bol súčasťou Customer Success Partner Bootcamp bol súčasťou Customer Success Partner Bootcamp

V stredu (27.3.2024) sa niektorí členovia nášho BTP.tímu zúčastnili Bootcampu vo Viedni, ktorý bol zameraný na SAP Build Appathon, kde medzi sebou "súťažili" interné SAP tímy v 4 európskych mestách: Viedeň, Mníchov, Zürich a Waldorf. Ako jeden zo šiestich partnerov globálnej aktivity SAP BTP-CSP MEE Bootcamp. hral...