Application integration in the Cloud
Today we have prepared a nice example from practice, in which there may be many readers who use the most widely used ERP system SAP ECC for running their business.
As we have reported in the past, enterprises that use SAP ERP in the ECC version and want to continue running it will have to migrate to the technologically new version of SAP S/4HANA in the on-premise, private or public Cloud version by 2027 (or 2025 or 2029).
This challenging activity is also awaiting one of our long-standing customers. Since the customer is very responsible, he has already started the preparatory work this year. Since the customer does not have a large in-house capacity, he asked us to identify those tasks that could be done earlier before the actual migration. All with the intention that during the actual migration project we would only concentrate on the work that is necessarily related to it.
There was no need to think too much and we found an area that we could start working on almost immediately, and that would have an immediate benefit for the customer.
Our customer uses FIORI applications for part of its key activities. These FIORI applications simplify his work with the SAP ECC information system now and therefore he plans to use them after the transition to SAP S/4H. He uses a standard IT infrastructure to run these applications, where he operates additional SAP FES servers in addition to the current SAP IS in his own environment. This technical component is currently installed in its network as three separate environments (development, test and production), which represent a significant part of its internal infrastructure, consuming a large amount of computing power and needing to be kept running continuously. This architecture is based on best practices and compliments from the past.
We proposed to the customer to simplify the entire environment and integrate the current applications in the Cloud environment.
The proposal was as follows. We will prepare a completely new Cloud environment of SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP), which will fully replace the currently running SAP application servers, while ensuring seamless and secure operation of its current SAP FIORI applications in the Cloud.
The new SAP Cloud environment will be used for easier development, more efficient operations and customer administration with a link to the current SAP ECC economic system. In addition, the technology will ensure secure and easy integration of current and future FIORI applications into a unified SAP Cloud environment.
Aké výhody prinesie táto zmena zákazníkovi?
👉Súčasné tri SAP prostredia bude možné odstaviť a ušetriť tak náklady na údržbu a prevádzku významného interného HW a SW vybavenia.
👉 Nasadenie Cloud riešenia pre aplikácie bude prípravou na budúci migračný projekt systému SAP ECC na SAP S/4 HANA, nakoľko SAP BTP je pre nové systémy S4H integračný a aplikačný štandard.
👉 Zabezpečenie možnosti využitia aplikácií kdekoľvek, kedykoľvek a pritom veľmi bezpečne, vrátane podpory mobilných zariadení.
👉 Nové riešenie bude využívať jednotné moderné ovládacie prvky a bude vizuálne nastavené tak, aby reprezentovalo design manuál spoločnosti.
👉 Nové Cloud riešenie môže fungovať nejaký čas paralelne so starým riešením, preto nehrozí žiadne riziko pri prechode Cloud riešenia do produkcie.
But there are many more such benefits to be found. SAP BTP technology itself brings with it further innovations, extending user interactions and enabling the collection and delivery of necessary data simply, reliably and securely. In addition, it can simplify and accelerate the development of new solutions with new and advanced tools for developing and setting up workflows. Since the solution includes 100 user access licenses in the base, it is possible to involve users who do not use or currently work with SAP today in the processes.
A key element of applications developed in the SAP BTP environment is a modern and responsive user experience. Therefore, people can solve their daily tasks more easily and efficiently. The solution will be ready for the customer to further extend the features and needs of automation, workflow and mobility, for better working with the information system. Last but not least, by integrating SAP FIORI applications into the Cloud environment, the customer can gain time to thoroughly prepare for the transition from SAP ERP to S/4HANA and gain a significant edge over their competitors.