Expanding and providing enterprise application services

Expanding and providing enterprise application services

Today we would like to share with you an interesting topic related to the integration and extension of enterprise applications. Have you ever heard of the word API? API stands for Application Programming Interface, which stands for Application Programming Interface. APIs are a great way to integrate and extend your enterprise solutions. However, the more…

Busy Office Workers Working on Laptops

Enterprise Systems Journey to the Cloud

When we did the SAP Cloud Platform Day conference together with SAP in 2019, our common goal was to bring awareness of cloud-based enterprise solutions in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The topics were very interesting, the presenters were professional product managers from Austria and Germany. We managed to bring and show a “live customer”…

Practical example: Data migration to the Cloud

Practical example: Data migration to the Cloud

When implementing new modern IT systems, in addition to the target functionality, it is also necessary to think about what historical data will be necessary in the new solution or necessary for its operation. Since a large part of new systems is nowadays built in the Cloud environment, the right question arises of secure, high-quality…

Practical example: more than 500 target systems

Practical example: more than 500 target systems

Today we have selected an example of an interesting enterprise integration directly from practice. A customer has its decentralized information systems (special IS for its branches) that have to work in 24/7 mode, i.e. around the clock. The systems have to work independently in the individual branches, seamless and reliable data distribution is a matter…

How to get familiar with Cloud integration

How to get familiar with Cloud integration

If someone wants to give the cloud integration platform a practical try, nowadays they can start right away with professional solutions directly from the SAP manufacturer. In the past, SAP products were almost inaccessible to the “common” person. Unless a person worked in a company that used the SAP system, or was employed directly in…